Why does my dyslexic child struggle with reading but excel in other areas?

At Online Reading Tutor, we know that dyslexic and struggling readers have exceptional right-brain skills, which means they are great problem solvers. Despite this, reading is a struggle for them as the process of reading typically involves the left side of the brain. Fortunately, they can improve their reading skills with explicit instruction. Our lessons are based on neuroscience and reading research that identifies how the brain functions while reading.

Struggling readers often have unique skills. According to the British Computer Society, “dyslexics are indeed over-represented, not only among software engineers, but also among other kinds of practical engineers, artists, architects, entrepreneurs and scientists.”

Can they become fluent readers? Absolutely! They can improve their reading skills with explicit instruction which trains the left side of the brain. The design of the Online Reading Tutor lessons is based on neuroscience and reading research that identifies how the brain functions while reading and the core skills necessary to be a successful reader.

Online Reading Tutor has successfully helped struggling readers throughout the world and we’re excited to help yours too!

Katrina Elchami

Katrina has volunteered extensively within the school board over the past 22 years and has a wealth of experience with IEP’s and accommodations. Joining her severely dyslexic son in his life-changing reading journey has given her an immense amount of experience and training.


Classroom Accommodations


If it’s not dyslexia, why is reading so hard?